Sunday, May 12, 2013

MHC to vote on anti-soring bill

At the next Quarterly meeting, MHC will vote on a resolution in support of a bill recently introduced in the US Congress: H.R. 1518. This bill, known as the "Prevent All Soring Tactics Act of 2013," would require disqualification of a horse from being exhibited if it is determined to be sore; require the USDA to license, train, assign and oversee persons to inspect horses for soreness at shows, exhibitions, sales and auctions; and provide for public disclosure of violations.
In addition, H.R. 1518 would make causing a horse to become sore, the use of an "action device" and/or a weighted shoe, pad, wedge, hoof band (that is used to artificially alter the gait and is not strictly protective or therapeutic) on any limb of a Tennessee Walking Horse, a Racking Horse or a Spotted Saddle Horse at a show, exhibition, sale or auction, and/or the failure to obey an order of disqualification punishable by fines up to $5000 and/or imprisonment for up to 3 years. The bill also provides for permanent disqualification of persons, after the third violation, from participating in, attending (other than as a spectator) or financing participation by others at any horse show, exhibition, auction or sale.

Plan to attend the Quarterly Meeting and make your voice heard! For location, details, click here.

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